Android Studio App Spotify Github
- Android Studio Github Integration
- Android Studio Github
- Github Android Source Code
- Github Android Studio Project
- Android Studio App Spotify Github Password
- Android Studio App Spotify Github App
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Android Studio Github Integration
Android is an operating system which is built basically for Mobile phones. It is based on the Linux Kernel and other open-source software and is developed by Google. The android app is developed on an application known as Android Studio. These executable apps are installed through a bundle or package called APK(Android Package Kit).
Git is an open-source version control system. It means that whenever a developer develops some project (like an app) or something, he/she constantly update it catering to the demands of users, technology, and whatsoever it maybe. Version control systems keep these revisions straight, storing the modifications in a central repository. It allows developers to easily collaborate, as they can download a new version of the software, make changes, and upload the newest revision. Every developer can see these new changes, download them, and contribute. Git is used to storing the source code for a project and track the complete history of all changes to that code, while GitHub is a cloud-based platform built around the Git tool. So it’s necessary to upload your android project on GitHub.
Before going through this article consider that one must have already a GitHub account. Also, consider that one must have already a developed android project on the android studio if not please develop this project in the android studio first How to create a COVID-19 Tracker Android App.
Step by step process to upload the Android project on GitHub from the android studio:
Step 1: Go to VCS panel which is present on the top of Android Studio and click on it. After clicking select the “Enable Version Control Integration“.
After clicking the Enable Version Control Integration a pop up will arise like following. Then select Git from the drop down menu and click OK. This will initilize the project for GitHub.
Step 2: The next step is click on the green tik present in the upper part of the Android Studio. Basically this symbol refers to Commit and what it does is it will collect the all unversioned files and make them ready to update in gitHub.
Android Studio Github
After clicking this a new screen will pop up like the following. Now, first select the unversioned files, then input the Commit message as “Initial Commit” and then click on the Commit button.
Now the project is ready to upload in GitHub.
Step 3: The last step to be followed is to go to VCS then select Import into Version Control and then click on Share project on GitHub.
After clicking this a pop up will arise where user has to enter its GitHub login id and password. After successfully logged in to its account one more pop up will come like following where the user has to give its Repository name and the Description of their repository. Then click on the share button and done.
Github Android Source Code
Note: Don’t put blank spaces or special characters while giving Repository name.
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Github Android Studio Project
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